When you get there, answer this question:
Tell us your Top 3 romantic couples or What’s your favorite love story? Why?
This was my answer
Top 3 Romantic Couples:
1. Zsadist and Bella(from The Black Dagger Brotherhood) because for the longest time Zsadist wasn't himself, he was lost. He would kill mercilessly and never allowed anyone to touch him. But then Bella came along and saved him from himself.
2. Murdoch and Daniela because even though they went through a rough patch together at first, being that Daniela couldn't touch him and Murdoch being secretive all the time. They we finally able to love each other for who they were. Oh and Murdoch sacrificed quite alot for Danii :mrgreen:
3. WallE and EVE because.... well, they're just so cute. And WallE risked everything to save EVE.
Now onto the prizes.
These are ALL the books she's giving away:
1. Ecstasy Unveiled
2. Shadow Blade
3. The Iron King
4. Archangel’s Kiss
5. Bone Crossed
6. First Drop of Crimson
7. Darklight
8. Need
9. Betrayals
10. The Secret Year (Signed ARC)
11. Something Like Fate (ARC)
12. Incarceron (ARC & Hardcover)
13. Dirty Little Secrets (ARC)
14. Invisible Girl (ARC)
15. Inked
16. So Punk Rock (Signed)
17. Light Beneath Ferns (Signed)
18. The Princess and the Snowbird
19. The Dark Divine & Nail Polish (previous winner never claimed prize)
20. For Keeps (ARC)
21. Bleeding Violet (ARC)
22. Eleventh Grade Burns (ARC)
23. Spider’s Bite
24. Night Tides
25. Unperfect Souls
26. Blood Magic
27. Succubi Like It Hot
28. Embrace the Night Eternal
29. Beyond the Night
30. Pleasure of a Dark Prince
* NOTE: She will also include some super secret ARCs for each winner.
Winners will pick in this order:
1 Grand Prize Winner (5 books)
1 First Prize Winner (4 books)
1 Second Prize Winner (3 books)
1 Third Prize Winner (2 books)
All you have to do is answer the above question and follow her simple rules to get EXTRA entry points.
Giveaway ends Sunday, February 21st at 11:59 PM EST